Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thurs Oct 29

Market should see a nice rebound. Names to buy: DTG,CAR,MTW,ESI and BTH

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Secondary Lesson RE:HEAT

Thursday night SmartHeat brought a secondary that was very well received and was a large money maker for me on Friday. Let me give you some 'insight' on how to spot these transactions and how to make money from them even without getting stock in the deal! As seen from the chart below ( I hope you can see it well enough) HEAT announced a secondary issue of 5mm shares on 9/8 after the stock had bottomed at the $6.50 level. Typically the stock of company who is doing a large secondary relative of its float will be trending down going into pricing. This did not happen with HEAT. As a matter of fact the stock trending HIGHER throughout. This is a tell tale sign of a quality deal the the institutions accumulated as they heard the story. The stock priced at $9 on 9/18 at a discount from a $10 close. As you can see from the chart the stock OPENED at $10.60 and ripped from there. Smart money could have bought this stock the night before pricing and made very nice coin the next day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Here is a chart on ISLE, which was hit along with many casino names. it has been a strong stock and pulled back to a nice buying level. Use the recent low as a stop if we get cracked again
looking to sell raliies market down 150 short F HON WFC


Sold ACAD up .20


sold RMBS up .40

pre market

Markets are down this AM but opportunity is there. Im long RMBS at 17 and ACAD at 1.70. Both are dowm BIG but may be overdone

Monday, August 31, 2009

BJS oil services

BJS today is getting bought by Baker Hughes at a premium of only $1.50. That price does not bode well for oil service names. Watch DUG today as a inverse play

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

FLR trade lookback

Lets take a Insight look into today's FLR trade which netted about 2 points this am in ugly down tape. FLR was on the watch list unfortunately because its a Newsletter stock this week. ( Both FLR and FWLT have performed well and FWLT EPS ran the stock 5 points)FLR reported good EPS which beat most estimates but apparently didn't 'shine'. It had spent most of the pre market trading in a tight range slightly below the closing price of 57.49. The stock opened at $57 and immediately was hammered all the way down to 53.50. When this happens it is usually caused by stop orders in the system getting executed at bad prices.
It seemed like a decent risk/reward trade to put on with a 1/2 pnt stop at 53.60. It worked out well as it rallied quickly from there and we got a nice fast trade out of it. Remember: Heavy PM trading is very important to watch to get a grip on if the opening is tainted.

We will have more trades out of this type of hedge fund technique


Lets keep the short ETF's for AM


everyone should have these on the sheets from this AM


up 2 in FLR...trailing stop on balance


selling 1/2 FLR up 1 54.6


Buying FLR at 53.60 seems over done stop at 53


SPH did a 2ndry last night at $41.50 off a $44.04 close. It is down this am at 40.80 where I bot a little for a PM trade

Monday, August 10, 2009

stock to watch

Charts that look interesting for tomorrow VHC,JRJC,SSP,DYN,RCMT

deals deals deals

By my count there are already 20 deals scheduled for this week and likely will grow. When we have all this new paper being issued with the market this high it tends to put a clamp on gains. While we are still bullish it would be smart to put some short ETFs on to protect positions..favs are BGZ and SDS.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


We are up 5 points in the WYNN buy. sell if you wish. LVS is up 8% also.

7/30 AM update

As stated in newletter we had several stocks we were looking to buy on a pullback. Some were hit yesterday and look like very good purchases. We bot BYI 35.20, JNJ at 60.70, LVS 10.30, PSYS 24.56 SAH 10.90 SAPE at 6.60, WYNN 44.50 and DIG at 27.50
PSYS WYNN and DIG are all up around a point from entry.

Friday, July 24, 2009

7/24 update

While we love the price action in the market, it would be suprising if we are up today. Massive gains this week and there will be plenty of booking of gains today prior to the weekend. We are long BGZ and TZA pre market for a portfolio hedge

Thursday, July 23, 2009

7/23 Off to the races

Hope everyone was in gear with us as the market is up strong today. Many nice gainers in the portfolio.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7/22 Upper Levels broken

The upper levels for the DOW and S&P metioned in this weeks newsletter were both broken on a closing basis yesterday..( DOW 8900 and S&P 950). While this is great news for bulls, in a perfect world I would have like to see the market consolidate some gains BEFORE making these news highs. Charts look great but the breakout will not be a AAA quality.

Monday, July 20, 2009


The earnings parade keeps coming with great results. Most of the credit should go to the analysts who apparently low-balled their numbers a bit too much, as companies are having NO trouble beating them. CAT,FCX,BSX all coming in good so far this AM
This will be the first stock trading newsletter in what I believe will be profitable for those who follow. I have been trading stocks for 25 of my 45 years and want to share the wealth of information that I have accumulated over those years. I have traded for broker dealer wire houses, traded for one of the largest day trading outfits (when day trading was in its infancy), traded for my own hedge fund, and now trade for myself. I have been extremely profitable (everyone will tell you that) and extremely stupid and unprofitable (NO ONE will tell you that!!). Mistakes have been taken place, memorized and wont happen again…so you can learn from these!!

Friday, July 10, 2009